
Showing posts from August, 2018


This dress is a comfortable Korean fabric, so the soft fabric is not a flute without wool. Cheap, but very   quality, long lasting color, not peel, not stretch.

Social Network

Social Network YouTube         YouTube was founded on February 14, 2005 from a former PayPal employee and was purchased by Google in November 2006 for $ 1.65 billion. Cur   YouTube was founded on February 14, 2005 from a former PayPal employee and was purchased by Google in November 2006 for $ 1.65 billion. Currently, over 1 billion users visit the site per month. And the second most sought after Google search engine. rently, over 1 billion users visit the site per month. And the second most sought after Google search  Social Network YouTube         YouTube was founded on February 14, 2005 from a former PayPal employee and was purchased by Google in November 2006 for $ 1.65 billion. Currently, over 1 billion users visit the site per month. And the second most sought after Google search engine.